sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013


We have got the test of Unit 6 the next Monday, 20th of May

Animal groups:
1. Mammals: tiger, elephant, squirrel, cat and pig
2. Birds: peacock, penguin, eagle and vulture
3. Reptiles: snake, lizard and turtle
4. Amphibians: frog and salamander
5. Fish: shark, sardine and salmon
6. Insects: butterfly, ant, ladybird, spider, drangonfly, centipede, bee  and beetle
7. Invertebrate: worm, crab, snail and clam
Body parts: Feathers, beak, wings, tail, fur, fins, scales, skin, legs/paws, spine, gills, lungs, shell
Verbs: run, eat, swim, fly, breathe, live, walk, slide, wriggle, lay (egg) and have got
Classitication of animals according to their diet: Herbivores (leaves, plants, seeds and flowers), carnivores (flies, fish, insects, worms and bugs)
Places where animals live: it lives on land/it lives in the sea/ it lives under the ground/ it lives near water
The -s on the third person of the singular:
A shark lives in the sea   --> It lives in the sea
Sharks live in the sea     --> They live in the sea
Pronunciation:  -er/-or
spider, mirror, motorbike, feather, doctor, brother
Have a nice weekend!


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